I’ve been really struggling with writing this piece. How do I approach it? How do I approach it and still remain sensitive to others? Truthfully, I have no idea. With the holidays coming, I decided I need to just get it out. I had a miscarriage. Instead of trying to sugar coat it, I will just say what it is. A miscarriage. Fetal demise, is actually what the doctor called it. I suppose that’s what they call it when an otherwise healthy baby, just dies. I sat in that ER for 6 hours with my husband, more annoyed than anything really. I was there for reassurance that everything was fine. The spotting wasn’t that bad. I was just annoyed it wouldn’t go away. Our baby was healthy, it had a heart rate of 160 at our ultrasound only a few weeks ago. The nurse made small talk, and we talked about how my son and the new baby would have birthdays close together. She gushed about how her children were the same age apart as mine would be. I had hope in that moment. ...